About Presbyterian Inland Mission

Based out of New Dunesk, our homestead in Ardlethan NSW, PIM sends out people on a mission to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in remote and rural parts of our vast nation.

We are a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, and have been tasked with ministry in remote areas since 1912. Founded by the Rev John Flynn, PIM has a long heritage of ministry in hard-to-get-to places.

By the grace of God and through the support of donors and local churches, we seek to fulfil Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

About Dunham + Company

Dunham+Company is a global marketing and fundraising firm that specializes in helping Christian nonprofit ministries extend their cause by generating more resources to fulfill their mission. Our model is built on over 30 years of experience and expertise with skills that are tuned to specifically address the marketing and fundraising challenges nonprofit organizations face.

In 2018 PIM undertook a brand redesign and required a fresh, updated website to coincide with the launch of their new brand. Under Dunham’s direction they tasked Spark with bringing their new brand to the web.

Based on their new logo and branding guidelines we worked with them to put together a full style guide and website design document. From this we set up a new WordPress site for them and brought the designs to life.

Like any not-for-profit, fundraising is critical to PIM’s ability to continue to operate so we set up a conversion-focused online donation process, allowing them to maximise donor engagement with minimal administrative effort.

Visitors to the site can subscribe to PIM’s newsletter in MailChimp, or if they prefer they can subscribe to one or more of PIM’s individual Patrols, enabling them to make sure their communication is always targeted to the right recipients.

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